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Friday, August 3, 2012

Friday Letters

Happy Wear-Your-Pants-On-Your-Head Day!!

Dear International Delight, Thank you for the creation of your iced coffee line. Not only are you supporting my iced coffee obsession, but you are saving me big bucks in the process. Good bye Biggby's ridiculously expensive, not all that delicious, drinks and hello affordable iced coffee-at-home! Dear Big Brother, While I thoroughly enjoy the hours of entertainment you provide to me each week, you are very demanding of my time. Not only is my house feeling neglected, but my husband is too! Not to mention, your 8pm shows are interfering with Easton's bedtime routine. Dear Comcast, Our love/hate relationship is become more and more of a hate relationship. I subscribe to services for my convenience and I expect them to work. While I appreciate your efforts to credit my account and provide me with free premium channels, I'd much rather the services I pay for work! Dear Vacation, I can't wait for you to get here! Next week please fly by. And lastly, Dear Nicole, Happy Birthday (tomorrow)!!! Enjoy your last year of being 20-something. 


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